GB 52 End Date Extended to **March 20**

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Nov 16, 2008
The scheduled end date for GB 52 is Sunday, March 6. Only 3 of 17 entries finished and a couple not even started.

You know the drill guys. Squawk if you need a little extra time. Silence means you'll either finish on time or have abandoned your build. If no-one pipes up, we'll shut her down in two weeks.
I'm almost sure I can't finish in time. A week or even two more (until March 13. or 20.) gives some hope at least....
Time is obviously not my best friend. Never was.
But it's up to the judges to decide.
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I thought I was going to make it but they switched to 10 hour days at work which is cutting into my modeling time so I'll be joining in with the others and asking for an extra week
I'm realising on a daily basis how big this B-17 really is! The tail is bigger than a Me 109's wingspan!
I think I'll join the growing chorus of "please, sir, may I have more?" I'll go with whatever the majority decides, though.
Mostly for me it was my kitchen exploding. Not that I ever go in there but it is where the War Dept goes to make stuff to feed me so you kind of have to give it the attention that's warranted if you know what I mean.
I will be varnishing tomorrow- my current pot dried up, and a new one is arriving tomorrow. I won't complain about an extension, though- there are some really nice ones in the wings!

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