He-115 Seaplane Found and Raised From Sea off the Norwegian Coast

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Chief Master Sergeant
Mar 2, 2009
Vojvodina, Serbia


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it is a great find covered by all the major LW forums on the net nearly day by day progression. a couple of good videos are available on this bird rising
Good to see. I hope they are taking all the necessary steps to prevent salt-water corrosion. Once you bring those wrecks to the surface you only have a short period of time to halt the process.
They are Oreo. It was mentioned on the other post that the aircraft will be completely stripped down and all parts bathed in open tanks of solution for 2 years.
Amusing that the photo in the article captioned "Wartime Nazi bomber: The Heinkel He-115 flying boat, pictured during World War Two..." actually shows a Finnish He 115, and as noted in the comments, it's a seaplane, not a flying boat! Great find, though. I love it when seemingly "extinct" aircraft are recovered.
Nice, I remember making one of these as a kit back in my younger model-making days.
Handsome looking plane the He115, considering its been in sea water this one is in incredible condition, something to do with the very cold temp of the water?
Does anyone know the fate of the Heinkel He115s operated by the RAF? I know one burnt out on the Tunisian coast when landing agents possibly 1941 probably 1942. I understand this was their normal role from Malta. Presumably they could have done the same from Scotland into Norway.

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