How would YOU fly?

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In combat? I have seen B-24s in bright colors as point planes to have the groups join up on them for the crossing, but then they would go back to base.

If they were used please let me know, I did not think they were ;)
Here ya go!

They would return to base.


  • littlegramper3_199.jpg
    24.1 KB · Views: 408
They were formation birds. They sported bright colors so each group could identify who to form up with. These were war weary airplanes that were only for forming up. If you get the book "The Might Eighth: The Colour Record" by Roger Freeman, he has several pictures of these formation birds. It's a neat piece of 8th AF history.
Flyboy, a great old worn out B-24D that I have read about other places, but not picked up a photo.

Evenglider, a new sig? Is that the A6M that the museum was restoring? ;)
Allright since everyone's weighed in on this one I will too... 28 pages... holy CRAP@!!!

A P-47 in the 56th fighter Group under Hub Zemke or Gabby Gabreski.

A FW190 during 42 or 43 was it? Just to smoke some silly Spit V's.

Finally and most enjoyable, a wingman of "Bubbi" Eric Hartman's and kill some commies :) . PS.... He never lost a wingman eh?

"Its the only job in the world where just being human can get you killed."

~My Squadron Commander~
I would fly a P-38 with Thomas Mcguire in the 431st squadron of the 475th Fighter Group, of the 5th Air Force. We would jump a couple of Japanese Oscars putting them into a nose attempt landing and put some kills on the side of our -38s!
Oh, and as for Europe, a P-51D in the 363rd Fighter Squadron, 357th Fighter group of the 8th Air Force.

Protecting B-17 bombers form German fighters, and seeing Germany from above!8)

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