RCAF Helicopter news

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Admiral Beez

Oct 21, 2019
Toronto, Canada
RIP my fellow countrymen. I was just at CFB Petawawa last weekend.

Canadians were aghast in April 2020 when the RCAF lost a CH-148 Cyclone and six CAF personnel that seemingly flew itself into the sea, leading to the entire fleet being grounded and more than a year of formal investigations.

In 2022 we lost a RCAF CH-149 Cormorant. Thankfully all six aboard survived. The investigation concluded that "during the final clockwise hover turn sequence, the pilot flying's seat unexpectedly descended to its lowest position." I wonder what caused this Chinook crash.
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RCAF lost a CH-148 Cyclone and six CAF personnel that seemingly flew itself into the sea, leading to the entire fleet being grounded and more than a year of formal investigations.
An update on the earlier crash.

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Jeez, these seem like lemons.

Perhaps it's best that we bury them like the Aussies did theirs.

Complete BS how the Aussies handled these helos. They could have given them to Ukraine, even disassembled or with missing parts as those should be obtainable in Europe.
Complete BS how the Aussies handled these helos. They could have given them to Ukraine, even disassembled or with missing parts as those should be obtainable in Europe.
Perhaps, but I wouldn't wish ours upon Ukraine. We'd be doing Putin's work.

Why we ever bought a helicopter than no one else is flying is beyond me. There must be some corruption somewhere.
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