The 1934 precursor to the Osprey

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Airman 1st Class
Aug 8, 2010
Huntingdon, TN
Well, almost an Osprey. They cylinders would have to be made of balsa wood for the thing to get off the ground. Photo credit: James Vaughn FLickr x-ray delta one

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LNG fueled aircraft turbine engines have been researched, and even test flown in the late-1980s. A more recent study was done by BMW & Airbus during the early 20-teens, though I do not think they actually flew any aircraft using a LNG fueled turbine. Maybe they have since then. From what I read it seemed quite practical and relatively simple to modify an existing jet engine design within certain parameters.

There have been a significant number of LNG fueled turbine powered electricity generation plants for some time (since the late-1990s?). Siemens and GE, for example, both make 'H' class turbines for electric power generation.

EDIT: I should have been more specific. From what I read it seemed quite practical and relatively simple [as far as running the engine on LNG] . . .
Storage and energy density of the LNG are the main problems.
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