What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Perhaps not necessarily annoying but more like amusing, went to St. Pete (FL) yesterday to an auto restoration shop that really touts itself as high quality for an estimate on a new project car.


High quality my ass, I was told (rather bluntly) that it would run over $80,000 USD, paint alone would be ~$35,000 USD.

Now I've been in the car culture all my life, and they did have some really nice examples of their work, but that's not happening. Prices are getting crazy but come on.

To my credit, I didn't laugh in their collective face (I guess with age does come some wisdom). However I may have dropped some rubber on their nicely painted parking spaces when I left, so I guess you only get so much wisdom.
Did you ask for color pictures for your project, oh I'm sorry wrong thread..... I'll leave voluntarily.
My students were working on poster boards on the regions of the United States. I put two up. I had just finished hanging the third one when slipped and fell on my right side. I couldn't hear out of ear for around five minutes. My poor kids were all scared. I ended up coming home and just laid out. My upper left side hurts like hell. If its not better by Saturday, I will go in and get some X-Rays. I hurt something bad.

Get well soon
My students were working on poster boards on the regions of the United States. I put two up. I had just finished hanging the third one when slipped and fell on my right side. I couldn't hear out of ear for around five minutes. My poor kids were all scared. I ended up coming home and just laid out. My upper left side hurts like hell. If its not better by Saturday, I will go in and get some X-Rays. I hurt something bad.

Sorry to hear that. Speedy recovery my friend.
Alady rang in to local radio. She had finished paying her mortgage and the bill to get her title deed back
was $360.00. She went in with $360.00, got to the counter, told the bank cashier she was there to pay
for her deed. The response ? I'm sorry, the bank doesn't have the facilities to handle cash anymore !!!!

After a period of non-plussedment the lady then said ok I'll pay by card. Sorry, you can only transfer or
pay by card from an account held with the bank.

Ok, I'll open an account here and pay it from that. Good. Not good. We can open an account but you
can't deposit cash here soy will have to go home or use your phone to transfer money from another
account to the new one.

A bank that can't handle cash ??

I had similar with a car I bought a couple of months ago. The limit wasn't high enough for my internet
banking account so I ducked in to my bank and asked them to do the transfer for me. No, sorry, the
account you want to transfer to is in another bank and we longer transfer money to other bank accounts.
I had to get the limit raised and do it myself.

What are banks for anymore ?

My son owns properties in the US and does business in over a dozen countries from his base in Aus.

He says the US banking system is like Australia's was in the mid 90s. The banking hoops he must go through whenever he gets a new tenant are massively time consuming because US banking is so backwards.
My students were working on poster boards on the regions of the United States. I put two up. I had just finished hanging the third one when slipped and fell on my right side. I couldn't hear out of ear for around five minutes. My poor kids were all scared. I ended up coming home and just laid out. My upper left side hurts like hell. If its not better by Saturday, I will go in and get some X-Rays. I hurt something bad.
Go now. Better safe than sorry.
My students were working on poster boards on the regions of the United States. I put two up. I had just finished hanging the third one when slipped and fell on my right side. I couldn't hear out of ear for around five minutes. My poor kids were all scared. I ended up coming home and just laid out. My upper left side hurts like hell. If its not better by Saturday, I will go in and get some X-Rays. I hurt something bad.
Get well, not sure I would wait until Saturday though.
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My students were working on poster boards on the regions of the United States. I put two up. I had just finished hanging the third one when slipped and fell on my right side. I couldn't hear out of ear for around five minutes. My poor kids were all scared. I ended up coming home and just laid out. My upper left side hurts like hell. If its not better by Saturday, I will go in and get some X-Rays. I hurt something bad.
Oh Lord, that's not good. Hope it'll be nothing more than a few days of soreness at worst.
My students were working on poster boards on the regions of the United States. I put two up. I had just finished hanging the third one when slipped and fell on my right side. I couldn't hear out of ear for around five minutes. My poor kids were all scared. I ended up coming home and just laid out. My upper left side hurts like hell. If its not better by Saturday, I will go in and get some X-Rays. I hurt something bad.
That is not sounding very good Jesse. Don't hang back mate, go get yourself checked, a weekend can be a long time when your in pain. :(
What's also extremely irritating besides the constant pain is that I can't finish working on my divine wind Ki-9 this weekend. I have doing like minor work on it every morning for twenty minutes. I discovered I can't sit up or move to much as the pain is very intense.
I understand the frustration with restoration prices, but a good quality paint job alone starts at about $8K, and that is just the starting point. Most shops charge $100+ an hour for work so if you have 500 hours into the restoration at $100 an hour that is $50K in Labor alone. Remember you have to include the disassembly time, properly documenting and storing the removed parts that are to be reinstalled, the actual repair, prep and paint work, and the reassembly and cleaning. It adds up fast. Plus the cost of any sheet metal panels, and paint, and prep supplies, plus in today's world disposal fees.

Its not a road to go down if you plan on making money on the other end for most cars. Unless its a very rare and sought after car, it is usually much cheaper to but one already restored. I know, I usually do all the work but the actual Paint and final prep for the paint myself, and its still an expensive hobby.
Agreed, this isn't a "flip" car.

It's the last new car my father bought in 1984 and has been in the family ever since. Mom drove it after dad flew west, when she couldn't drive anymore I took it, now the daughters want to restore it and keep it in the family. I suppose you could call it a family heirloom.

Here's the thing, it has almost 300,000 miles on it and it's all original. It runs pretty good and is still fun to drive... for short distances but yeah, it needs the full frame off acid dipping yadda yadda yadda treatment. I haven't done any resto work in over 10 years so am waaaay out of the loop. Just trying to get my feet wet again.
Drove my daughter out to the university she plans to attend this fall for their orientation day. She and her little brother pissed and moaned the whole trip out. Might just leave them here.

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