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Regardless of all the bullsh*t flying around here..:D....you are doin' a great 'mod' job on this build Vic, look forward to the approved clothes pegs. :evil4:
Thanks again folks for dropping in and saying a kind word or two.

Between lots of coughing and sniffing I've been playing with the peashooter up front. As mentioned I discovered that the nose was all wrong for this pop gun and had to do a bit of a rebuild.



I then needed to find something that could be turned into the rotation drum for the gun. I found an old exhaust from a previous build that had nice thick wall and thought this could do the job. Stupidly I forgot to take pics of the finished product before attaching the gun.


so now we have the gun mounted on the rotation drum and the last pic showing how it should look when fitted. Naturally the cables will be plugged in.




I'm guessing that "clothes pegs" is Aussie for what us Yanks call "clothes pins". Whatever.... you're going great, Vic.


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