**** DONE: GB-55 (2)1:48 Spitfire Mk.Vb Trop - MTO III

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
Username: N4321U
First name: Bill
Category: Advanced
Manufacturer: Hasegawa 09105
Kit snaffeled off Donivamp! Thanks!
Model: Spitfire Mk.Vb TROP
Scale: 1:48th
Extras: Decals from kit and my art from field photo. As per usual, maybe some scratch bldg, Doh!
I swore I would never do two in one build again............ but here I go ............. again!
31/08/22 In the mail today, Eduard exhasts, the kits were crap!

This kit was Originally issued as 09104 in 1993 as new tooling,
then as 09105 with new parts. Other versions have followed.
My other build kit is a Tamiya, amazing how different the same planes kits can be!!!
GB55-2 1a.jpgGB55-2 1b.jpg

So as per my discussion in my Other Mk,VbT build. this one will be in camo with PM*K markings 126 Sqn.
Same Sqn as my other Mk.VbT. I just thought two camo versions would be interesting.
The art is done in black, the printing will be in Sky. All will reflect codes as done in the field.
GB55-2 2.jpg

Images credit the internet...........
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I would like to make a focus on that the code letter "P" wasn't applied at the same level the "MK" part of the code. It was moved down slightly while the "MK" up. Can you see? What is more, the "MK" code letters seem to be slightly "taller" that the "P" one. But it might be the optical illusion. Below I have marked the levels for the code letters.

Case in point of illustration1a.jpg
A little bit-o-work today, lots tonight.
In another thread I mentioned kits are Creeping toward $100.
I've come to the realization we have brought it upon ourselves.
We Expect more, in the way of fit and detail and That comes at a price.
Fits are not too bad for a kit first bread in the 90's, but detail leaves a lot for Moi!
So first put the wing halves together, the tips are too fat, some filin anda sandin needed.
Cockpit, worked on the port side today! Before and after shots! I hope this works!!!!
GB55-2 3.jpgGB55-2 4.jpg
So I am working with these 3D decals...............
I have posted a thread
that is more helpful, but my first attempt. First what they look like.
GB55-2 9.jpg
I then filed and sanded the area
this is how close they fit, nicely.
GB55-2 10.jpg
Then primed and painted Gloss Black.
But not sure it needs to be That glossy.
GB55-2 11.jpg
I then wet them and it really does only take a few seconds.
tried attaching with this, but found the decal needs to be dry.
Then applied ALL over a thin coat of ClearFix. I had it in my drawer!
It dries nice and seems to hold. The video uses Clear PVC.
I suggest viewing the video on my link. Post your experiences.
I'm happy with what they are!!!!
GB55-2 12.jpg

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