Elvis's sunsets and other pics

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I consider this one my "masterpiece".
One evening, I had parked the car under a tree in the front yard to make room for company that was coming over.
Just after they arrived, I noticed it was starting to rain and remembered I'd left the windows down on the car (it was nice, earlier!).
I ran out and rolled the windows up. As I was shutting the door I looked up and noticed this scene, so I ran back in the house and grabbed the camera.
Here's the picture I got.....

View attachment 637719
A truly masterpiece
Fall will be here soon. Thus, the clouds are starting to gather....

A couple of years ago I did a whole year of taking sunset photos every Saturday evening. Unfortunately this is the Netherlands, so we don't have that stunning landscape behind it, but it was fun. Nice pictures :D
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A couple of years ago I did a whole year of taking sunset photos every Saturday morning. Unfortunately this is the Netherlands, so we don't have that stunning landscape behind it, but it was fun. Nice pictures :D
I've been doing this for years.
Moved back here in 2009 and have the sunset pics to prove it.
Here's the oldest one, dated Oct. 9, 2009...


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