Extension to GB 29.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
There's been some discussion in a couple of the current GB threads about having an extension to this GB, as quite a few members are not near to completing their models, myself included. I'll lose four days at the end of this month, preparing for, going to, and returning from the American Airshow, at Duxford, and an extension would be very welcome.
Current end date is Sunday, June 5th, so may I suggest the date is moved to Sunday, June 12th - or would the relevant members prefer a longer extension ?
Good stuff chaps - 12th June it is then.
I might just get the Mitchell finished in time, if there are no more delays due to paint.
I am steadily working when I can I shall what can be done maybe one can happen :dontknow:

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