It shouldn't happen to a Chef ! (1 Viewer)

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young girl who was a duty manager comes into the kitchen in tears.
"whats happened? i say "

"this guy is drunk and keeps following me around, taking the piss out of my accent"

i always tell any one, dont let the customers see they are getting to you, come into the kitchen and ask for help, i am always here for you.

anyway, i finish dinner service and go to see if she is ok, as i am talking to her, this guy staggers out of the residents lounge, obviously very drunk.
he starts shouting about her accent, (he's from a neighbouring village up here in the NE)

i approached him and politely say "Sir please stop that !" and directed him back to his wife in the lounge

turns out what i really said was " pack it in you f##king dickhead before i f##king end your life !"

next day he and his wife didnt show for breakfast but checked out at 06.00 hrs.

i hate bullies !
probably the saddest story.

3 guys all from the same company check in to the hotel, its pretty late so they go straight to their rooms.
next morning they go to work we assume.

get a call from their office one of them has not turned up, can we ring his room, we do but get no answer.

another hour goes by, they call again, he's still not come to work, can we check his room ?

so we go to his room (duty manager asks me as a senior member of staff to go with her) and knock, no answer.

i can hear a tv on so we knock again, no answer !

she opens his door calling his name, room is dark as curtains are closed, tv is on, bed is still made, not been slept in and on the stand in the room is a suitcase and a holdall which is open.

no one is in the room but as we turn to leave we notice the bathroom light is on, so we call his name again, no answer.

knock on the bathroom door, no answer, try the door its locked, very strange.

we warn him we are opening the door with the emergency key and slowly push the door open.

we find him sat on the toilet obviously dead !

we then notice a porno mag on the floor and his tie has been tied to the towel rail and around his neck.

the guy had been knocking one off whilst choking himself, passed out and ended up hanging himself with his dick in his hand !

this was not long after Michael Hutchence from INXS and a conservative MP had done the same thing.

only time in 35ish years has someone died in the hotel i was working at.
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yes, very sad as it looked like he had literally checked in went to his room got his porno out, went straight into the bathroom and ended up accidentally killing himself !
And you said what to the guys waiting for him? That couldn't have been easy.
the GM had to call the company and tell them he died, didnt elaborate too much and then left it for the police to deal with.
we all got warned to stay quiet if the local press etc picked it up, but there was not a lot of coverage from what i remember
was working in a small hotel in the middle of the north yorkshire moors, Christmas eve around 5pm we lose all power which also cuts off the gas so i cant cook anything.

we have a sister hotel about 45 minutes away and we get in touch asking to let our 35 residents join theirs, i offered to bring over my food for them etc.

we were told no but we can go there and cook for our guests after they have finished.

i started dinner service at 21.30hrs all their staff left as soon as they could and so we had to drive back with all our dirty pans, plates etc and wash up at our hotel as the power was back on by midnight.
i finished work at 03.00 hrs on christmas morning and was back at work by 06.00 hrs to cook Christmas day lunch for 90 guests.

i left at 17.00 on Christmas day telling the manager i wouldn't be coming back !

its the only time i have not worked my full notice period at any job.
I have a white one you can borrow, Karl - I used to use it on special occasions at work, particularly for our periodic meetings with the sales staff.

It reads "Go F**K Yourself".

BTW, they didn't like and complained to the owner, he called me in and I thought for sure he was going to dress me down.

Instead, he asked me where I got it, as he wanted one.

I had a new one waiting for him, on his desk, the next day! :lol:
From today's lunch service.

Customer " what do you get in the Affagato ?"

My menu.

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