Official Forum Rules on Politics

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
This forum has had a long standing and strict no politics rule. This was rule was put in place, quite honestly, to keep the peace. The world, especially the United States has become increasingly polarized with the realm of politics. More often than not political discussion leads to anger and civil debate degenerates to insults and fighting. This forum has survived because of its stance on political discussion.

However, the ongoing war in Ukraine demonstrated that some topics cannot be discussed without discussing politics. Therefore the forum has amended its no politics rule.

The forum still has a no politics rule, however, it has been eased.

Political discussion that directly pertains to:

  1. WW2 or other historical conflicts can be discussed as long as it remains civil and does not deviate from topic.
  2. Ongoing conflicts such as the war in Ukraine can be discussed as long as it remains civil and does not deviate from topic.
No other types of political discussion are allowed, to include but not limited to:

  1. Partisan posts (left vs. right, liberal vs. conservative, Democrat vs. Republican, etc…)
  2. Posts about modern political news, parties, candidates, politicians, bills, debates, decisions, elections, or laws.
  3. Posts that contain insults or attacks.
  4. Posts that contain conspiracy theory rabbit holes.
  5. If it has nothing to do with the two allowable types of political discourse than it is not allowed.
The admin/mod team reserves the right to remove or close any thread or post that deviates or does not comply with this forum rule.

Furthermore, repeated misuse or non-compliance may result in a complete politics rule being re-instated, and/or temporary or permanent banning (this is a last resort and we do not take it lightly).

If you wish to post something that may be political but you are unsure, feel free to reach to one of the Administrators or Moderators and they will review whether it is allowed or not.

There are plenty of places on the internet to have political fights and unhealthy debate, lets not do that here.
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Agreed. It's sad that we need to limit discussion because of some people's tendencies to be disrespectful toward others. I acknowledge and hate the fact that it's a growing problem.

It occurred to me last night after watching many NHL playoff games, how often the crowd chants "Ref you suck" at what it deems to be missed penalty calls. These so-called adults forget that their shouts are directed at real people trying to do their best and that they are setting a terrible example for the kids in the crowd. It's no wonder we see increasing misbehaviour and it's sad.
Look guys, we just had a truly unnecessary event that happened because of, you guessed it, politics.

A forum member was banned because of it. I take no pride in that. His ban will end in one week. He may return if he chooses.

How do we prevent this? No partisan posts pertaining to modern politics. Simple as that. I don't care if it is right leaning OR left leaning. Its not allowed. Save it for a different forum.

It seems as if my transgression was pointing out the moderator's hypocrisy. "The Eagle Has Landed" made uncalled for disparaging remarks about Trump, a VERY political post, and in a fit of pique, banned me for "insulting a member (him).
The moderator may even remove this post but that would only vindicate my position.
It seems as if my transgression was pointing out the moderator's hypocrisy. "The Eagle Has Landed" made uncalled for disparaging remarks about Trump, a VERY political post, and in a fit of pique, banned me for "insulting a member (him).
The moderator may even remove this post but that would only vindicate my position.

Excuse, where did I say anything about Trump??? I never brought him up. You seem to think everything anyone says is an attack on you and your partisan handlers. I am so sorry for you.

Are you really going to play this game? If so you are not welcome here.
It seems as if my transgression was pointing out the moderator's hypocrisy. "The Eagle Has Landed" made uncalled for disparaging remarks about Trump, a VERY political post, and in a fit of pique, banned me for "insulting a member (him).
The moderator may even remove this post but that would only vindicate my position.
It doesn't. It only shows you that you're not very good at learning.

I'm behind DerAdlerIstGelandet DerAdlerIstGelandet all the way. You can take it or (forced to) leave it.
Excuse, where did I say anything about Trump??? I never brought him up. You seem to think everything anyone says is an attack on you and your partisan handlers. I am so sorry for you.

Are you really going to play this game? If so you are not welcome here.
You've made my point. Check your posts. It was Musk as well.
And your post will not be removed. It only demonstrates you are a pathological liar.

You were given a one week ban for the following reasons:

  1. You continue accusations and insults to the moderators accusing them of allowing one sided politics, which us not true. A left leaning post was removed the very day you decided to go over the deep end and its poster was warned.
  2. You calling a moderator a loser because he thinks the CEO of a private company is a douche because you wrongly think it was politically motivated.
  3. Your continually making everything non-political into something political and causing problems over it.
You were warned on multiple occasions, but can't seem to help yourself. You have fallen for the ruse and allowed them to divide us. Well done. I feel sorry for you that you cannot remove politics from your life. Very, very sad.

You are also a pathological liar. At no point did I mention Trump in any of our conversation. I kept politics out of it.

Goodbye, sir. I hope you get your life together.
The ban this time is permanent. Manta22 brought this upon himself. This was again unnecessary and unneeded. All you had to do was come back and leave politics out of everything and not make it personal.

I truly feel sorry for people that cannot separate politics and their personal lives.

I have zero time or the patience for partisan BS. This goes for left leaning quacks too.

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