The Weather Where You Live? (3 Viewers)

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We're fine where I am, no flooding but a couple of "minor " twisters on taking out the Firestone shop and one up north. Rains a bit yesterday but up north and north east of us, man that's BAD up Conroe and Kingwood and north. Flooded bad!
For those from not around here, the Houston Galveston region is basically a pool table that is below sea level. The rivers run from across the state to Houston and drain into the Gulf of Mexico. We missed the flood. The San Jacinto river splits and flows east of us about 30 minutes and west of us. I'm dry but 10 minutes away is flooded in both directions. Our house floods from heavy rain and not overflowing river. No way I will live by the rivers or many bayous around here. Area flooding is as common as the strip clubs. Now the rain stoped, the temperature is in the 90s and it now a sauna. The rivers has crested and soon the clean up will start. Just glad there is no tornadoes like the Midwest.
Yesterday was miserable. Cold, 25C, with a constant mizzle and no sign of the sun.

Today is already shaping to be worse because the cloud is darker/thicker. Currently 17C at 07:00
Northern lights tonight…



Wurger and others well to the south of me should be able to see a great show as well. I am about 2.000km too far north unfortunately.

Overcast and cool here - rain expected. Which is welcome. We've already had air quality advisories due to smoke, and I had to call 911 a couple of weeks ago to report a brush fire along the CP Rail tracks near home. There are serious fires and evacuations up north. So right now, rain = good :)
Next round of thunderstorms hit. Been raining for 90 minutes. The front is just now hitting Houston to our south. It is coming from the west. 88 mph wind gust. Went through the flood drill. Good practice.
Next round of thunderstorms hit. Been raining for 90 minutes. The front is just now hitting Houston to our south. It is coming from the west. 88 mph wind gust. Went through the flood drill. Good practice.
Houston got hammered, hope your ok

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