**** DONE: GB-42 1/48 Spitfire Mk.Vb - MTO II

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Username: fubar57
First name: George
Category: Advanced
Manufacturer: Airfix #A05125
Model: Spitfire Mk.Vb
Scale: 1:48

This aircraft was flown by Pilot Officer Robert W. "Buck" McNair D.S.O., D.F.C (2 Bars)(RCAF). No. 249 (Gold Coast) Sqn. at Ta' Qali, Malta, Mar. 1942.



249 Squadron RAF | RAF 249 Squadron
The innards.....





No option but a decal for the IP


Different styles of air filters exhausts, seat frames, antennae, props/spinners, and fuel tank covers (These are the main problems with every build I've read). The different u/c doors and wheels are for a wheels up or down option. The up wheels are about half the thickness of the down wheels




Options o' plenty for the clear parts. The rear clear part and one of the closed versions came loose and are resting comfortably in the bag.



I know I said I was going to do Beurlings kite but...short story long.......After doing some reading I discovered that I would need a Mk.Vc and all I have are the Tamiya and Aifix Mk.Vbs. I do have the old Aifix Seafire/MkVc kit but it has the wrong propeller and spinner. There is a conversion wing set for the Tamiya kit but at a cost. I was going to use the Tamiya kit for this build but it also has the wrong twirly bits. I could order a resin replacement but I've decided to fight the fuel tank cover issue.
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Thanks Andy. I've ordered the Italeri Mk.Vc kit so I'll do Beurling's aircraft when this is finished. Its a rebox of the Special Hobby kit so we'll take it from there
An interesting tidbit for you Geo. I wasn't sure so I went back and checked. Buck McNair flew Hurricane 5389, the subject of my build, when he was posted back to Canada in late 1942. Here's the ORB for 133 Squadron on January 4, 1943:

GB41 has been put to bed, time to move on. I won't start anything, night-shift tomorrow, but I wanted to check out the fit or lack there of, of the fuel tank cover. This is where all the other builds stall outThe culprits....


On the left is the cover for the IWM version, JH•C and on the right for McNair's aircraft. First the fit of the IWM kite and then McNair's..........


One other thing while I remember, if you relocate a certain part, and I forget which at the moment and I'm at work, you can build the cockpit tub and the fuselage seperatly and the tub will just snap into place. Also, on the off chance you use the pilot, check the seat height, I have no idea if it was me or Airfix but my guy is sitting on a booster seat......
Hi George,

I built this kit a while back, and it looks great when its finished. Try to remember that when you do battle with the offending section forward of the cockpit. Follow the instructions closely and make sure all mating surfaces are clear of any paint and glue as the tolerances in the fit engineering wise are tight. Other than that the kit goes together well although i recall the set up for adding the undercarriage in the lowered position is "unusual".

I look forward to seeing your progress,


Greg :thumbup:
Now that I'm home I'll illustrate my previous comment, Airfix would have you glue part C1 to the fuselage half after you have glued the cockpit tub in place.

The reason for this is, which is vaguely illustrated in the instruction, is that it protrudes slightly past part C51, the rear cockpit frame, making it impossible to install the cockpit after part 50 is glued to the fuselage. The solution is to glue part C1 to the tub instead of the fuselage half, as a test fit will show it's resting on the tub anyway.


Also, I forget exactly the conversation but I believe in regards to some query or other on BritModeler it seems that although the color call out for C1 is HU56 it's supposedly a matt black so not sure if you can see it but that's what I painted it.



Here is a good shot of the fit of the upper cowling after I'd shimmed it up,

despite the gaps at the rear you don't want it any farther back as then it starts to interfere with the fit of the canopy, and it actually looks worse in the pic then it actually was. Notice the altitude of the pilot.......
Can't remember if I gave it a lick of Mr.Surfacer or not, but after a splash of color it all looks quite presentable to my eye

Hope this helps a bit
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