**** DONE: GB-47 1:72 NA Mustang II - WW2 D-Day and After - Western Front

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T Bolt

Mar 24, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
User Name: T Bolt
Name: Glenn
Category: Advanced
Kit: Academy P-51
Scale: 1/72nd
Accessories: Xtradecal 70th Anniversary D-Day Part 1

I'll be starting out with two birds with invasion stripes from an Xtradecal sheet I had in the stash and may possibly do another one or two off the same Xtradecal sheet depending on time.

First up will be North American Mustang II FR919, "N", of II (AC) Squadron, RAF, B.10 Plumetot July 1944

Spent some time cleaning up parts and test fitted the main parts. The fit is good but there are no locating pins in the wings so I think it might be better not to glue it together until I first join the bottom part to the fuselage to insure a tight joint at the wing root.

I slapped on some paint and did a bit of detailing over the last few days. Still need to pick out some detail yet.


It looks like Im going to have to do some modification to the wing so I will have to glue it together before fitting it to the fuselage like I had planed.
The kit is of a P-51 which was equal to a Mustang Ia. The Mustang II was equal to a P-51A and had two .50 cal machine guns in place of the 20mm cannons of the Mustang Ia so I will have to cut them off, close up the holes and drill out for the .50s. The shell ejector slots were smaller and in a different location so that will have to be added although the inner cannon ejection slots were still there for some unknown reason so I will only have to close up the outer ones. Also the Mustang II had only one landing light on the left wing and it was located much further out so I'll seal up the ones there and cut in a new one using the kits lens.

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