Signature Rules

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
Siggies can bie a neat and cool way to identify people and they have sort of become a staple of this forum. There however needs to be some rules for people who wish to have signatures to keep it from getting out of hand.

For the most part people are already doing this anyhow.

1. Only one siggy is allowed. You can not have two siggies at one time.

2. Siggies can not be too large. A maximum size of 600 X 200 pixels is allowed.

3. No use of nudity or extreme profanity in your signature.

4. No hateful, racisit or sexist pictures or statements in your siggy.

5. Your siggy will not be used as an ad for your business or for selling something from vendors such as Ebay.

You may have words, sentences or comments as long as they are not offensive under your signature pic.
Maybe you could define how many pixels (height and with) a graphic siggy can be? It sometimes puzzles me and it would be nice to have a direction.

I think it would be to hard to do so, because a siggy can be smaller than a large one and still have more pixels because it is more graphic intensive.

You siggy is fine...
My experience says that the best size of a siggy is about 500x200 - 600x200.So almost all my projects are designed with the size.And them if it is necessary I make them smaller.
And of course it looks great :D.
But the main problem is that if a siggy is over 600 pixels the system can acts in the same way like with a bigger pictures upladed here.So it means that a screen can be extended and visible on a display partially only.I hate scrolling from left to right.What is more the system can add the small-large size switch bar at the top of a pic what doesn't look good with the siggy.
In addition, all pics can be scaled proportionally.So if we want to have its proportion of size correct we can get some pixels from its lenght and add to height.It is like we can rotate the pic right for instance.Finally its dimensions would be 200x600 pixels.But a siggy of that size will look a little bit strange, won't it.
In conclusion I would suggest a siggy size to be of 600 pixels (max) lenght and 300 pixels ( max) height to make the pic proportions nice.
I can try make it a little smaller. Just saw the site on a 1024-768 resolution and realised it makes the siggies look much bigger. Not everyone has a computer like mine ;)

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