

In 1914, on the outbreak of the Great War, despite its members having volunteered and trained for service at sea, the RNVR was mobilised and marched off to the trenches as the Royal Naval Division. This extraordinary decision to use the RNVR as soldiers was not sweetened by the fact that latecomers volunteering further into the war did get the opportunity to go to sea.

Dundee’s 7 officers and 150 men joined Hood Battalion of the Second Brigade, were sent to Belgium for the defence of Antwerp and narrowly avoided internment with the other battalions during the chaotic retreat of the following few days. During this retreat the Division’s Silver Band discarded its instruments, but they were recovered by the Belgians and returned to Dundee in 1920. These instruments still form part of Tay Division’s Silver Band.

Senior Naval Officer Dundee and staff, outside HMS Unicorn during WW1

HMS Unicorn herself remained in Dundee and had an active war as the headquarters for the Senior Naval Officer, Dundee. HMS Vulcan had arrived in the Tay in 1910 to act as a submarine depot ship and a seaplane base had been started at the Stannergate in 1913; both of these were active throughout the War.
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