The Arrow's Technical Specifications
Arrow 1 Arrow 2 Arrow 2A Arrow 3
Length 80 ft. 10 in. 85 ft. 6 in. 85 ft. 6 in. 85 ft. 6 in.
Wing Span 50 ft. 50 ft. 50 ft. 50 ft.
Empty Weight 49,040 lb.
(22,291 kg) 45,000 lb.
(20,455 kg) 45,000 lb.
(20,455 kg) 45,000 lb.
(20,455 kg)
Normal Gross Weight 57,000 lb.
(25,910 kg) 62,431 lb.
(28,378 kg) 62,431 lb.
(28,378 kg) 62,500 lb.
(28,409 kg)
Max Gross Weight 68,602 lb.
(31,183 kg) 68,847 lb.
(31,294 kg) 68,487 lb.
(31,294 kg) 70,000 lb.
(31,818 kg)
Fuel Capacity 2,897 gal. 3,297 gal. 3,297 gal. 3,297 gal.
Engines - Type Pratt-Whitney
J-75 P-5 Orenda PS-13
Iroquois 2 Iroquois 2 Iroquois 3
Base thrust 12,500 lb. 19,250 lb. 19,250 lb. 21,000 lb.
Thrust - Afterburner 18,500 lb. 26,000 lb. 26,000 lb. 30,000 lb.
Max Speed - 40,000 ft 1,325 mph (M2.0) 1,325 mph 1,325 mph 2,000 mph
Combat Speed Mach 1.5 Mach 1.5 Mach 1.5 Mach 2
Cruise Speed Mach 0.92 Mach 0.92 Mach 0.92 Mach 1.0
Combat Ceiling 53,000 ft. 58,500 ft. 58,600 ft. 68,600 ft.
Climb rate
- from Sea Level
38,450 ft./min. 44,500 ft./min. 44,500 ft./min. classified
- from 40,000 ft
16,500 ft./min. 20,300 ft./min. 20,300 ft./min. classified
Combat Radius
- high speed
-- 264 mi.
(165 km) 575 mi.
(360 km) 487 mi.
(305 km)
- max range
-- 408 mi.
(255 km) 787 mi.
(492 km) 593 mi.
(370 km)
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Comparison with other aircraft
When you compare aircraft from one era to another you are comparing apples with oranges. Over the years technology has made advances but the aircraft that has not evolved with the technological advances can not be judged on an equal basis. One of the most common comparisons out there is with the MIG-29. The first table below compares the Arrow Mark I & II to similar aircraft from the same design/flight era and the second table compares the Arrow Mark I & II with today's aircraft.
There are some discrepancies on weights and speeds depending on which source is used as a reference.
Comparison of Arrow MK 1 and II with other aircraft of the same era.
The following table compares aircraft built around the same time frame as the Arrow, including aircraft originally rejected by Canada, (the F101B), which prompted the Arrow program
The F-101 Voodoo was originally rejected as a replacement for the CF100 Canucks, and after the Arrow was scrapped, the Voodoo entered Canadian service as the CF-101 remaining in service until nnnn.
The F-102A Dagger was a delta wing fighter also under design and development by the USAF at the same time as Canada's Arrow and was in service with the US until nnnn.
Less than six months after the Arrow was scrapped, an order was placed to have 214 F-104G Starfighters manufactured which entered Canadian service as the CF-104G and remained in service until 1986. The CF-104A in the National Aviation Museum in Ottawa set a Canadian altitude record of 30,500 metres (100,110 ft).
Note: The Arrow MK II are calculated figures for any flight data as the Arrow was scrapped prior to the test flights with the Iroquois engine.
CF105 Arrow
Mk I CF105 Arrow
Mk II CF-101B
Voodoo F-102A Dagger CF-104G Starfighter
Manufacturer AVRO AVRO McDonnell General Dynamics Convair Lockheed & Canadair
Dates - 1959 Never Flew 1961 - 1984 - 1986
Crew 2 2 2 1 2
Length 80 ft. 10 in. 85 ft. 6 in. 20.5 m
67 ft 5 in 26.84 m 16.7 m
54 ft 8 in
Wing Span 50 ft. 50 ft. 11.8 m
38 ft 8 in 11.62 m 6.7 m
21 ft 11 in
Height 5.5 m
18 ft 6.46 m 4.1 m
13 ft 6 in
Empty Weight 22,291 kg
49,040 lb. 45,000 lb.
(20,455 kg) 13,141 kg
28,970 lb 12769 kg
28,150 lb 6,070 kg
13,384 lb
Normal Gross Weight 57,000 lb.
(25,910 kg) 62,431 lb.
(28,378 kg)
Max Gross Weight 68,602 lb.
(31,183 kg) 68,847 lb.
(31,294 kg) 24,796 kg
54,664 lb 14,187 kg
31,276 lb 8,159 kg
17,988 lb
Fuel Capacity 2,897 gal. 3,297 gal.
Engines - Type 2 x Pratt-Whitney
J-75 P-5 2 x Orenda PS-13
Iroquois 2 2 x Pratt & Whitney
J57-P-55 1 x Pratt & Whitney
J57-P-25 1 x General Electric J79-OEL-7
Base thrust 12,500 lb. 19,250 lb. 4,854 kg
10,700 lb 10,000 lb
- Afterburner 18,500 lb. 26,000 lb. 7,575 kg
16,700 lb 7,802 kg
17,200 lb 15,900 lb
7,166 kg
Max Speed -
40,000 ft 1,325 mph (M2.0) 1,325 mph 1,825 kph
1,134 mph 1,328 kph
825 mph 2,189 kph
1,360 mph
Combat Speed Mach 1.5 Mach 1.5
Cruise Speed Mach 0.92 Mach 0.92 887 kph
551 mph 835 kph
519 mph
Combat Ceiling 53,000 ft. 58,500 ft. 16,700 m
54,800 ft 19,750 m
64,800 ft
Climb rate
- from Sea Level 38,450 ft./min. 44,500 ft./min. 14,996 m/min
49,200 ft/min 18,408 m/min
60,396 ft/min
- from 40,000 ft 16,500 ft./min. 20,300 ft./min.
Combat Radius
- high speed
- - 264 mi.
(165 km)
- max range - - 408 mi.
(255 km) 3,110 km
1,930 mi 1,175 km
730 mi
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Comparison of Arrow MK 1 and II with other aircraft of today.
Over the years technology has made advances but the aircraft that has not evolved with the technological advances can not be judged on an equal basis. One of the most common comparisons out there is with the MIG-29. Taking this fact into account here are some comparisons of the Arrow to modern aircraft that were able to take advantage of technological advances.
The CF-188 (F-18) Hornet is Canada's front line fighter aircraft
The F-14 Tomcat and the F-15 Eagle are two of the US's most recognizable fighter aircraft.
The MIG-29 was one of the Soviet block's top line fighters
Note: The Arrow MK II are calculated figures for any flight data as the Arrow was scrapped prior to the test flights with the Iroquois engine.
CF105 Arrow
Mk I CF105 Arrow
Mk II CF-118
Hornet F-14D
Tomcat F-15E
Strike Eagle MIG-29
Manufacturer AVRO AVRO McDonnell Douglas Grumman McDonnell Douglas Mikoyan Gurevich
Dates - 1959 Never Flew 1982 - present
Crew 2 2 1 2 2
Length 80 ft. 10 in. 85 ft. 6 in. 17.1 m
56 ft 19.1 m
62 ft 8 in 19.43 m 17.3 m
Wing Span 50 ft. 50 ft. 11.4 m
37 ft 6 in 19.55 m
64 ft 2 in 13.05 m 11.3 m
Height 4.65 m
15 ft 3 in 4.88 m
16 ft 5.63 m 4.7 m
Empty Weight 49,040 lb.
(22,291 kg) 45,000 lb.
(20,455 kg) 10,610 kg
23,400 lb 18,951 kg
41,780 lb 14,379 kg
31,700 lb 10,900 kg
24,030 lb
Normal Gross Weight 57,000 lb.
(25,910 kg) 62,431 lb.
(28,378 kg) 24,500 lb
Max Gross Weight 68,602 lb.
(31,183 kg) 68,847 lb.
(31,294 kg) 23,535 kg
51,900 lb 33,724 kg
74,439 lb 36,742 kg
81,000 lb 18,550 kg
40,895 lb
Fuel Capacity 2,897 gal. 3,297 gal.
Engines - Type 2 x Pratt & Whitney
J-75 P-5 2 x Orenda PS-13
Iroquois 2 2 x General Electric
F404-GE-400 2 x General Electric
F110-GE-400 2 x Pratt & Whitney
F100-P-229 2 x Sarkisov
Base thrust 12,500 lb. 19,250 lb. 10,700 lb 14,000 lb 8,165 kg
18,000 lb 5,108 kg
11,260 lb
- Afterburner 18,500 lb. 26,000 lb. 7,255 kg
16,000 lb 13,154 kg
29,000 lb 8,335 kg
18,375 lb
Max Speed -
40,000 ft 1,325 mph (M2.0) 1,325 mph 1,915 kph
1,190 mph 1,997 kph
1,241 mph 2,465 kph
1,532 mph
Combat Speed Mach 1.5 Mach 1.5
Cruise Speed Mach 0.92 Mach 0.92 907 kph
564 mph
Combat Ceiling 53,000 ft. 58,500 ft. 15,240 m
50,000 ft 19,812 m
65,000 ft
Climb rate
- from Sea Level 38,450 ft./min. 44,500 ft./min. 15,240 m/min
50,000 ft/min
- from 40,000 ft 16,500 ft./min. 20,300 ft./min.
Combat Radius
- high speed
- - 264 mi.
(165 km)
- max range - - 408 mi.
(255 km) 3,330 km
2,070 mi
(w Ext Tanks) 3,450 mi