Canadian Fairy Battle

Canadian Fairy Battle

Battle 1649 was one of 740 similar Mk. I models (one of which was later converted to a Mk. IIT) on strength with the RCAF from 21 August, 1939 to 9 July, 1946, although individually this one was struck off strength on 21 April, 1944. 1649 was used as a target tow Aircraft from the date of it's acceptance into the RCAF, hence the highly visible, non-standard paint scheme designed to differentiate the tow Aircraft from the target which trailed behind it. According to some, the only real problem with the Battle was that the undercarriage would sort of hang up, and the pilots would have to dive the Aircraft to get up some speed and try to shake them down. But even if they came in on the belly, it wouldn't have hurt them too much.
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