Ar 234 landing
I haven't seen any evidence the emblem and the name was applied on both sides. Judging by the known images of the "Jane I" it was on the port side only.

The Ar 234B-2 was the unarmed bomber and reconnaisance aircraft. So no guns mounted. As I know the fixed armament, both the forward and/or rearkward firing MG151/20 20mm guns, was going to be used for the C variant. Also there were designed the Rustsatze sets with the outer racked gun pods : R1, R2, R3 called Waffenbehälter WB 151 and known as Magirusbombe. IMHO any of the Rustsatze sets has never been used. I haven't seen any pics showing a such one racked to the Ar 234.
I haven't seen any evidence the emblem and the name was applied on both sides. Judging by the known images of the "Jane I" it was on the port side only.

The Ar 234B-2 was the unarmed bomber and reconnaisance aircraft. So no guns mounted. As I know the fixed armament, both the forward and/or rearkward firing MG151/20 20mm guns, was going to be used for the C variant. Also there were designed the Rustsatze sets with the outer racked gun pods : R1, R2, R3 called Waffenbehälter WB 151 and known as Magirusbombe. IMHO any of the Rustsatze sets has never been used. I haven't seen any pics showing a such one racked to the Ar 234.
Look... I can't figure out the color "Olive Green". Opinions on the Internet are divided. Some have greenish tones while others have brownish tones. What was right for the US Army?
to 1943 ... US Olive Drab 41 (Early) - FS 30118 or 34086.
from 1943 ... US Olive Drab (Late) known as ANA 613 - FS 34087

Because it was the end of the war I suggest the FS 34087

They flew From Stavanger-Sola to Cherbourg via the two airfields. In the Cherbourg harbour these were shipped on a cargo ship and sent to the USA across the ocean sea. And it wasn't the test flight but just moving to the another location for the further transferring..
They flew From Stavanger-Sola to Cherbourg via the two airfields. In the Cherbourg harbour these were shipped on a cargo ship and sent to the USA across the ocean sea. And it wasn't the test flight but just moving to the another location for the further transferring..
Where were they tested then?
Basicly the main base was the Wright Field where the USAAF tested them. According to one source the "Jane I" and "Snafu I" were also sent to the US Navy base Patuxent River for the Navy trials. It looks like both of them were derelicted or eventually scrapped there.

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