

Cutaway Lavochkin La-15 "Fantail", small and lightweight Soviet fighter Lavochkin designed by the firm in response to a request to build modern fighters, other than simple adaptations of old jet engines on aircraft, flew late in the forty birthplace as La-168, had swept wings on the fuselage barrel type, with side opening cockpit bubble, tail surfaces also arrow configuration in "T" with the stabilizers on the top of the stems, and airbrakes that opened in the front, also known in motorsport "suicide doors", the main landing gear was located in the center retraction forward fuselage and nose was retracted back leaving just the three cannons Suranov Nudelman of NS23 of 23 mm, was located just across the air inlet centrifugal feeding an engine Klimov RD-500 (Copy of Rolls Royce Derwent V) of 3495 lbs thrust something like 1587 Kgs, reaching just over half the thrust RD-45 (copy of RR Nene) but its weight was less maneuverability and enjoyed superior to rival the MiG-15, with a slightly lower climb, alone most complex construction made ​​to tilt the balance hunt for the Mikoyan, who was beginning to be available, however went into production and was highly appreciated by pilots who had the pleasure of blowing them up, there were only 235 fighters La-15 who served until 1954 Aviagraphica author of the original model MiG-15 and modified by Motocar to recreate in a free interpretation to Lavochkin La-15 "Fantail" according to NATO.
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