Nakajima (Mitsubishi) A6M2-N

Nakajima (Mitsubishi) A6M2-N

The Nakajima A6M2-N (Navy Type 2 Interceptor/Fighter-Bomber) was a single-crew float seaplane based on the Mitsubishi A6M Zero Model 11. The Allied reporting name for the aircraft was Rufe.

The A6M2-N floatplane was developed from the Mitsubishi A6M Zero Type 0, for the purpose of supporting amphibian operations and defending remote bases. It was based on the A6M-2 Model 11 fuselage, with a modified tail and added floats. This aircraft was the brainchild of Shinobu Mitsutake, Nakajima Aircraft Company's Chief Engineer, and Atsushi Tajima, one of the company's designers. A total of 327 were built, including the original prototype.

The aircraft was deployed in 1942, referred to as the 'Suisen 2' ('Hydro fighter type 2'), and was only utilized in defensive actions in the Aleutians and Solomon Islands operations. Such seaplanes were effective at night in harassing American PT boats, and they were very difficult to detect, even with primitive radar.

The large float and wing pontoons of the A6M2-N degraded it's performance by about 20%, enough that the Rufe was not usually a match for even the first generation of Allied fighters.

Info: Wikipedia

Profile: Great Aircraft of the World
Published by Colour Library Books Ltd.
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