SAS on patrol

SAS on patrol

Shown here are men of the SAS on patrol somewhere behind enemy in North Africa. Note the twin Vickers 'K' mounting .
A SAS patrol in the Western Desert in 1942 was caught in the open by a pair of German fighter aircraft. Quickly taking cover the SAS soldiers could only watch helplessly as two of their three Jeeps were destroyed. Finally the enemy aircraft departed and the SAS men crept back to inspect the damage to their last vehicle. It was not good news. The vehicle's radiator had been seriously holed by several bullets.

With ingenuity the soldiers managed to patch up the holes using plastic explosive (luckily it didn't explode when the vehicle was restarted). They then took it in turns to urinate into the radiator every fifteen minutes. By so doing they made it back ninety miles across the Desert to their hidden base.

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