Recent content by david_layne

  1. david_layne

    Rear gunner

    According to my father (the airman on the right) Harry was quite a character. My father survived the shoot down in which Harry was killed and ended up as a POW. James White the airman on the left was tour expired at the time of the shoot down. As of this date he is still alive, my father...
  2. david_layne

    Rear gunner

    A little late in replying, his name was Harry Page. Harry is in the middle of these three airman. He was killed on the night of September 23rd 1943.
  3. david_layne

    You Know You have been in Iraq too long when....

    We had one very similar when I was in Vietnam. Where do the troops stationed in Iraq go for R&R? When I was in Vietnam we had a choice of many. The ones that come to mind are, Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand and Taiwan. We also got to go to in country places like Vung Tau and Camron Bay.
  4. david_layne

    Feel free to ask me......

    Looking for pictures of 50 Squadron Hampden's and 97 Squadron Lancaster's, all contributions gratefully received. I am researching the experiences of my father who served with both of these squadrons. Looking forward in anticipation of results. Thanks, D.
  5. david_layne

    50 Squadron Hampden's (VN)

    Thanks for the information. Is it possible to tell what happened to the aircraft that my father crashed in at Waddington? Was it a write off?
  6. david_layne

    Where is??????????????????

    Hopefully he will soon be finished and back here posting. I hope he can come up with some 97 Squadron Lancaster pictures for me.
  7. david_layne

    Where is??????????????????

    Where is "The Lancaster Kicks Ass? Been a couple of months since he posted.
  8. david_layne

    50 Squadron Hampden's (VN)

    Thanks again Concorde. My interest is with 50 Squadron Hampdens and 97 Squadron Lancasters. My father flew a tour in both. I am familiar with the picture of Lancaster VN N. That picture was taken after my father left 50 Squadron and they had converted to Lancasters. He flew in VN N when...
  9. david_layne

    97 Squadron (OF) Lancaster pictures.

    Thanks Concorde, any further pictures will be appreciated.
  10. david_layne


    Here is a site pertaining to captured Japanese aircraft. Captured J-Aircraft Homepage
  11. david_layne

    Lancasters - RAF vs RCAF versions

    My father was a Lancaster crew member and he told me that the aircraft got an additional 30 m.p.h. without it.
  12. david_layne

    50 Squadron Hampden's (VN)

    Thanks for the tip on the book. I have ordered it and look forward to getting it. HAMPDEN SQUADRONS IN FOCUS By Mark Postlethwaite...
  13. david_layne

    50 Squadron Hampden's (VN)

    Is it possible to determine aircraft number from the Squadron numbers? I would love to find a picture of one my father flew in. I know he flew in VN N on quite a few trips.
  14. david_layne

    50 Squadron Hampden's (VN)

    Many thanks, most helpful.
  15. david_layne

    Can someone tell me what plane this prop acme off please?

    Burtonwood near Warrington was a huge U.S.A.A.F. repair facility during and after WW2. I would suggest that the prop blade came from there as that is not too far from Wirral. I would suggest that the blade was declared "us" and someone claimed it as a souvenir.