Rear gunner

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Mar 8, 2009
milton keynes
Hi guys,
Bear with me i am new to the site and hope i am posting in the right one. I will test your brains now. Going back a while i came across some infomation for 97 Squadron by Dave Layne he posted some photos and details of the crew, he named the rear gunner as Page. Do any of you know his first name? I am trying to trace my uncle who was Thomas page ( sargeant ) rear gunner and awarded the DFC. Do i know any more i hear you cry sadly no the remainder of the family (not many) are scattered and remote to say the least. I am the interested party and have come to a dead end except for the info above. Not much i know but a long shot.
A little late in replying, his name was Harry Page.

Harry is in the middle of these three airman. He was killed on the night of September 23rd 1943.



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A little late in replying, his name was Harry Page.

Harry is in the middle of these three airman. He was killed on the night of September 23rd 1943.


According to my father (the airman on the right) Harry was quite a character.

My father survived the shoot down in which Harry was killed and ended up as a POW.

James White the airman on the left was tour expired at the time of the shoot down. As of this date he is still alive, my father passed away in 1995.

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