Recent content by Dice

  1. D

    Nose art copyrights

    If I find and image of some nose art that I would like to use in a book how would/could I find someone who could give me the copyright "thumbs-up"? For example the P-47 "Raid Hot Moma", I found a picture on this site but, there is no copyrirght info attached to it. It says who posted it but...
  2. D

    Modern day nose art

    Nice shot, that would be the demo jet out of "Woody". Not to be a know-it-all but the gun in the A-10 is the Avenger (30mm) not the Vulcan (20mm). I liked the green but the "ghost gray" is still a kick-a$$ scheme. 8)
  3. D

    TAC regs

    Thanks Flyboy, I'll look into it.
  4. D

    Modern day nose art

    That's why my book is tentatively titled "The Hidden art of the A-10 Thunderbolt II", most people don't know about the art tucked away behind the ladder door. This art has also been a point of debate for the past 20+ years because some say it's nose art, and some say it isn't because, it's...
  5. D

    Modern day nose art

    Sorry I haven't posted in a few days but, I started a new job (working the F-16 at depot) and I have been very busy at work... and tired after getting home. We also start 12 hour shifts the 3rd of Jan so you might not see me around much for a couple of weeks but, I will be back when I get the...
  6. D

    TAC regs

    Thanks for your imputs everyone. The thing is, like I said before, I have the current AFI and know what they say bt would love to tie the TAC/SAC regs into the history part of my book. I didn't know if there may have been a web site with the old regs on it, long shot I know. Maybe it's time...
  7. D

    Modern day nose art

    Lesofprimus, thanks but I have all those an a ton more. I have worked around the A-10 for 13 years, have a number of friends who have worked the A-10 from it's birth in 1975, and a few pro avition photographers like Don Logan who support my cause. I'm just trying to connect the ones I have...
  8. D

    TAC regs

    Does anyone know where (if there is a plase) to find old TAC/SAC/MAC regs? I'm trying to find out what TAC/SAC said about nose art during the Cold War era. I have all the current AFI's but would realy like to know what TAC had to say on the subject before ACC. Also I've always heard that nose...
  9. D

    Modern day nose art

    Thanks for the welcome everyone. :)
  10. D

    Modern day nose art

    Hi guys (and gals) first let me said a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! I didn't see a place for newbies, like myself, to say hello so I'm just going to jump in and start posting here. I'm retired AF working at Hill AFB Depot and I'm in the process of writing a book on door art...