Recent content by Engineman

  1. E

    Prop Parts at FAAM

    Hi Larry, Good to see progress. Unfortunately I have no good info on this, other than having looked around about it. It strikes me that this is a HS style "Bracket" prop hub, comparing it with the info about the 3-blade type and copy's! However, if HS did not make a 4-blader, could this be a...
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    Obsolete in a very peculiar way

    They might have advertised access to engines and systems in-flight for wow-factor, but I think it was more for normal servicing access in there. However, things like oil tank replenishment in flight might have been needed, until remote pumping was designed. Eng
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    Mosquito vs single engine planes.

    Interesting, the full report would be good to see. I am noting the conclusions drawn seem to show the Hornet was fast, climbed and accelerated well. Roll and turn rates not as good as contemporary SE fighter , it seems, but no specifics. So, possibly the Hornet was better at zoom and boom...
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    Help ID German Luftwaffe propeller

    Hi Steve, Yes, Ratier- VDM parts made for Germany. Eng
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    Mosquito vs single engine planes.

    Yes, the Mosquito was really a great Multi-Role aircraft but, you can't expect it to have the edge on a contemporary single-engined fighter in combat. But, how about the De-Havilland Hornet ? Eng
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    Help ID German Luftwaffe propeller

    Hi again, Just another observation about the blade type and numbering. The number is not shown as precisely as is usual for the VDM Blade. It looks as though the dash ( - ) that normally follows the number 9 is missing. Also, the VDM blades usually have a final number after the main number...
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    Help ID German Luftwaffe propeller

    Hi, An unusual VDM blade (Flugel). 9-12120. This part is not listed in the VDM documents that I have. The number would indicate an approx 1941/42 design. Possibly, it is a development that was not used in full production. Beyond that, 9-12120 is not listed as a blade design in the inventory...
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    Oil dilution for cold starting

    There are several complications with oils for different engines and circumstances in vintage engines. Certainly, at the bottom line, some engines are extremely particular about the exact oil that is used. The viscosity is often dependent on the ambient temperature but other limitations can be...
  9. E

    Focke Wulf Fw190

    Hi, #766 This is inaccurately captioned. The aircraft is having the engine oil tank replenished in this photo, not refuelled. Cheers Eng
  10. E

    Oil dilution for cold starting

    The original "Rotring" (red-ring) was a mineral oil, but as the war progressed, the German versions became synthetic ethylene polymerized products. These oils were generally regarded as inferior to the Allied aviation oils . The Germans did suffer with oil foaming, and on the DB 605, cold...
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    Oil dilution for cold starting

    Hi, The original German DB 605 A specifies "Rotring", which was a mineral 100 grade aviation oil. I do not think dispersant oil was available. We used Mil grade 100 dispersant with 20hr annual oil change which was more than twice the original requirement of 50 hrs or more. Eng
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    German prop cowling/spinner I.D. help

    Very interesting, probably VDM type spinner. The data plates look genuine but it would need some serious forensic work to read the numbers, if they are there, this spinner is only partially made. It is not quite the same as the various Bf 109 G spinners, it has a front opening reinforcement and...
  13. E

    Spinner Identification

    Yes, got that Tony. Generally, I think most of the 4-Blade German props other than those mentioned were late-war development types that are not much covered in the VDM documents. I suspect the VDM 4-Blade fitment for the DB 603 powered prototypes was likely adaptations of the Do 217 N 4-blade...
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    Canopy open wind

    The Panavia Tornado was flown with the canopy and rear bang seat removed for a handling and survivability trial. As I recall, the general front cockpit environment was reasonable upto about 300 KIAS, but got rougher above that speed. I think kinetic compression heating was noticable above about...
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    Hi Tom, Counterweights are used in many aircraft. The usual requirement is to balance the forces in a mechanical system or, to change the vibration characteristics. Aircraft also sometimes have mass balances to adjust the distribution of weight in the aircraft for trim purposes. That...