Recent content by fatboris

  1. fatboris

    My Mum....Your Help with Wishes Guys!

    That's awesome, Wayne!
  2. fatboris

    Took the summer off - Back to building

    ...about a mile back on the trail when i couldn't squeeze between the trees. :lol: I start back on my T-Bolt tonight (better late than never) and the boy is jumping on his Corsair. Then we'll dig back in the stack for some more. Good to be back, guys!
  3. fatboris

    Took the summer off - Back to building

    I fell off the face of the earth about 2 weeks before the Invasion Stripe GB came to an end, my plane uinfinished. Why you may ask? I got another toy and in Colorado you have to get outside... :D
  4. fatboris

    Trumpeter 1/48 F-100D Super Sabre (TSM02839)

    Jan, thanks for the info. Are you doing it for the GB? I'm hoping to have that kit in my hands by the end of May and use the AeroMaster decals (#8). It'll be the plane in my siggy.
  5. fatboris

    Trumpeter 1/48 F-100D Super Sabre (TSM02839)

    I'm planning to do this kit for GB but backordered til late May. The kit says decals for 4 markings but I can't seem to find out what they are. Does anyone have any intel on this kit/markings? Thanks.
  6. fatboris

    **** DONE: Mig-17F 'Fresco' NVAF Vietnam 1968

    8) very cool, dig the camo
  7. fatboris

    What Do Your Usernames Mean?

    Boris is the 2nd Siberian Husky we rescued and the only one left. We got him as a pup, beat up pretty bad, a real fixer-upper. Because his pelvis was broken and never set, his ability to exercise is somewhat limited....hence fatboris because he's shaped like a barrel.
  8. fatboris

    1/48 P-47D, Lt Frank Oiler 84th FS, 78th FG Group Build

    Still a bit off but I think they turned out betterthis time. I also repainted the guns as Terry suggested.
  9. fatboris

    Question on painting invasion stripes

    Gret info guys. I screwed up pretty bad the first try, I stripped the wings today and repainted the Green and Gray. As soon as that cures I'll take another crack at it. Hopefully 2nd time's the charm. Wish me luck!
  10. fatboris

    1/48 P-47D, Lt Frank Oiler 84th FS, 78th FG Group Build

    Cool. Thanks for the honest feedback, guys, I appreciate it. I'll have to dig back in today and see if I can salvage it. Time to turn chicken s@#t into chicken salad. :lol:
  11. fatboris

    What we are thinking!

    A woman? :shock:
  12. fatboris

    **** DONE: XF-85 Goblin. Parasite Fighter Prototype. Group Build

    Awesome! I love that plane. I had a book when I was a kid and it had a picture of that plane. Can't wait to see it.
  13. fatboris

    1/48 P-47D, Lt Frank Oiler 84th FS, 78th FG Group Build

    I decided on hand painting the stripes instead of decals. Terry, I couldn't find a 1/48 cat to paint with but I used a cheap flat brush. What's the concensus, stick with these or spend $6 for decals...there's still time for delivery!
  14. fatboris

    **** DONE: P-47d of Lt.col. Benjamin Mayo 84th FS 78th FG duxford air base 1944

    Terry, is that the Academy kit? If so, how'd the cowling decal go on, any advice?
  15. fatboris

    Question on painting invasion stripes

    I've decided to bypass the decals and go for hand-painted invasion stripes on my TBolt for the GB. Halfway in I'm beginning to regret my decision :confused: I think the wings are going to be okay but I'm stumped on the fuselage. I'm sure someone has done this with some success. What's the...