Recent content by Hikaru84

  1. Hikaru84

    Hello everyone!!

    Thanks RabidAlien and WayneLittle, I,m glad you liked my illustration. It is my first not comic like aircraft, and it took me more than a month to have it ready. I would love to do a series of WWII aces illustrations, but to do them they must have a profitable side to be able to leave my typical...
  2. Hikaru84

    Hello everyone!!

    Hi freebird, thanks for your tips. I took a photograph of my 1:32 model kits to make the drawing for the illustration so there would be no problem in that aspect of my work. I will send a PM to the Board admin, I do not wish to be disrespectful with all of you. Thanks again for your concern.
  3. Hikaru84

    Hello everyone!!

    Hi there, I would like to leave you a link to my e-bay auction were I am selling my print of the Old Crow. I know that in some forums is not right to put this kind of posts, but I really do not know any other way to make my work known --as a beginner in this area-- and to make people interested...
  4. Hikaru84

    Hello everyone!!

    That is the painting I was talking about, only the colors were more yellow and green in the image I saw, but that's maybe just the camera. It's a really great painting, very strong, and the Spit looks steady and graceful. I'm always happy to hear people say they like my work, specially if they...
  5. Hikaru84

    Hello everyone!!

    Hi to everyone! What can I say, it's very interesting to talk to people of different nations, thanks for the cool welcome. Geedee, I assume you refer to the Mk V illustration, I copied that Spitfire from a B&W WW-II photo, I think I saw that painting, and it is also based in the following...
  6. Hikaru84

    Hello everyone!!

    Thanks to everyone! Hi Shinpachi, a pleasure to talk to you. That nickname was given to me years a go by a girl friend because I used to draw all the time Haruhiko Mikimoto's character designs of Macross, being Hikaru Ichijo the main character and one of my goals, in those days, to draw him by...
  7. Hikaru84

    Hello everyone!!

    Thanks Thorlifter! Thanks Seesul!
  8. Hikaru84

    Hello everyone!!

    Hi, I am a professional illustrator form Chile, south America. In the last couple of years I got interested in WWII aircraft with the purpose of understanding real machines in order to create Sci-Fi mechanisms. But In the way I fell in love with the aces, their stories and most of the aircraft...