Recent content by JG 26

  1. JG 26

    Battle Damaged Aircraft of WW2

    All of this is simply amazing. Thank you all.
  2. JG 26

    P-51C 360 degree cockpit view, WOW!

    That is simply amazing. Thank you for posting!
  3. JG 26

    Coolest B-29 Nose Art Ever

    I love nose art pics. I wonder if there is a coffee table type book with them?
  4. JG 26

    WWII Aerial Images Unearthed

    The clarity in most of the photos is simply astounding. I have never seen any of these photos before. Thank you so much.
  5. JG 26

    Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

    OK, here is my two cents The best bomber killer was the FW 190A in just about all configurations. My reasons? Mass produced, long life, heavy firepower, armored, air cooled engine better survivability, radial engine helps protect pilot, can defend itself against escort fighters, did not need...
  6. JG 26

    Incredible Website

    Thank you all, especially for the diagrams!
  7. JG 26

    Incredible Website

    Thank you very much!
  8. JG 26

    Incredible Website

    Gentlemen, I must offer my sincere gratitude to everyone for maintaining and contributing to this incredible website. The information provided here is simply outstanding. If I could only find out how the cannon layout in the nose of a bf 109 works (how is the prop connected to the crankshaft...
  9. JG 26

    New to forum

    I have not yet been assigned. Still too green.
  10. JG 26

    New to forum

    Hello all. I am very glad to have joined your forum. Steve Blalock Atlanta GA. USA