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  • J
    Did you ever find the info you were looking for about the Reno racer based on the Yak II, Czech-mate?
    I am familiar with the builder, the late Bob Yancy, and some of his crew. The crew chief during the build was Ken Gooch, of Hi-tech Aero in Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA.
    The plane was originally "Perestroika" when Bob had it. The best Bob ever did with it was a gold class third place at nearly 440 MPH. He was beaten by Strago and Dago Red I believe.
    I watched it being built from the original, and contributed the paint that was on it at the time.
    Bob hung one of his P&W 2800s from a Corsair on it.
    Dzien dobry,

    I've had so many stuff collected throughout the years but recently I've changed my computer a few times and all of this is, I guess, lost... Can't help you right now, sorry.

    Dear Mr. Pisis

    Searching the web I found your posts with foto material about Avia B.534.
    After many years of rc modelling I decide to make my first plastic plane from kit. The choice is beautiful Avia B.534, model made by Eduard in 1/48 scale. In topic mentioned above You wrote that you have plenty more materials about Avia. Is it possible to shere those materials?? I very want to do this model the best I can, so every help will be priceless for me :-)

    Best wishes,
    Tomasz Michaluk
    [email protected]
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