Recent content by robtmelvin

  1. R

    New B-25 1/32

    I had been waiting impatiently for these to hit the market and was ready to order one from Sprue Bros. as soon as they became available. But now, after the way his Chinese "partners" did Martin, I'm rethinking that decision. The bottom line is that that Martin got well and truly scre*ed...
  2. R

    Stupid F6F-3 Hellcat painting question

    Thanks, guys. Exactly the info I needed. Bob
  3. R


    Welcome from Kentucky, U.S.A., Dallas. I'm new here myself but from my short time here I can tell you that you will not find a more friendly and helpful bunch of folks anywhere. Bob
  4. R

    Anyway to keep from being logged off if I'm inactive for a while?

    Thanks, guys, got the situation resolved. And yes, we are all brothers! Bob
  5. R

    Stupid F6F-3 Hellcat painting question

    Hi, guys. I've got a pretty stupid question on painting the F6F-3 Hellcat by Eduard. My question is this, should the cockpit area above the instrument panel which would be under the wind screen be properly painted interior green, like the rest of the cockpit interior, or should it be either...
  6. R

    Anyway to keep from being logged off if I'm inactive for a while?

    Thanks, brother.
  7. R

    Accurate Miniatures kits

    I've recently come back to doing model airplanes after doing ships pretty well exclusively since coming back to modeling a couple of years ago. I've managed to stumble on a couple of Accurate Miniatures kits, which I have really liked (I'm sure they aren't all jewels, but the ones I've been...
  8. R

    Anyway to keep from being logged off if I'm inactive for a while?

    Hi, guys. I have a question about be automatically logged off if I'm inactive for some time. I like to keep the forum up on my computer at the office (I'm the boss - I get to do that kind of thing! LOL). I've found that if I'm inactive for a period of time, sometimes as short as 15 or 20...
  9. R

    1:32 WingScale Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress

    I've been a B-17 nut since I was a kid. I bet I build a half dozen of the old Revell 1/72 Memphis Belle kits, all of which ultimately scummed to flack and enemy fire (BBs and firecrackers), or crash landed in my folks' yard. I've got four B-17 kits in my stash now, the Revell 1/48 Memphis...
  10. R

    Anybody want to buy a Spitfire

    I'll check with SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) and see if I can get permission to order one of these. But, I have to admit that I'm not hopeful since I get "the look" whenever I come dragging in a kit I paid over $100.00 U.S. for. Somehow I doubt she'll understand the argument that I just have...
  11. R

    operation Market garden

    From what I have read, Monty was bound and determined to get that plan approved and ignored some very critical intelligence that came in after the planning had been long underway, which was ignored. It also seems that some very legitimate practical considerations, such as moving 30 Corps. up a...
  12. R

    Primer question

    Aaron, no we aren't far away from each other at all. My wife and I do get over to Abingdon from time to time. Maybe we could get together for a cup of coffee sometime and talk about hour mutual hobby. Also, are you aware of the Smokey Mountain Modelers Mini-Con coming up on March 26? Its at...
  13. R

    Time change

    I enjoy having the extra time in the evenings when it is still daylight and I can do things outside. The down side is that it takes my body a week to 10 days for my body to adjust to the point that when my clock goes off at 5:00 a.m. my body isn't telling me "the heck you say! Fool, don't you...
  14. R

    Sunny's Vids Photos

    While I'm all in favor of softening up an area before I hunt it, it seems to me that using naval 16" and 5" naval rifles may just be a little bit of over kill. Frankly, I'd just go with a little softening up with an AC-130. Of course, if you really want to get the job done you could call in a...
  15. R

    New 'round these parts

    Alberto, its funny that you started with RC. That had a lot to do with me getting back into the hobby. I had been looking around at various modeling web sites for some time, and while I was doing that I picked up an RC P.T. 109 (ProBoats) to play with along with my 7 year old grandson. After...