Recent content by turilli

  1. T

    identification aircraft part with painting

    Hello everybody, is it possible to identify the aircraft's type with this two pictures, i haven't more pictures or informations, it looks like a lateral doors. Thanks for :idea: Best regards.
  2. T

    small panel Fairey identification number PC 6167? CF

    Hello everybody, I saw a small part of aircraft , is it possible to find type of aircraft with this serial number PC 6167? CF. Thanks a lot
  3. T

    Fuel tank luftwaffe, what aircraft?

    Thanks Stona, i'm not sure that is the part shown in the pictures, for generally information
  4. T

    Fuel tank luftwaffe, what aircraft?

    It's not good aircraft (109), i think
  5. T

    Fuel tank luftwaffe, what aircraft?

    Good Morning, I found gas tank of engine for the starting up. I was told that it was for Bf 109, but i don't think because i didn't see pictures whit this type of engine tank. Somebody saw or help me, please.
  6. T

    Tail wheel fighter USAAF ?

    Hello everybody, i found the answer : Idea: , it's bomb lift's wheel, bye.
  7. T

    Tail wheel fighter USAAF ?

    Thank you for 2 answers, yes and more we can just 3 "clamping bolt" with lighter aircraft (Stinson, Aeronca...) and 5 "clamping bolt" with fighter
  8. T

    Tail wheel fighter USAAF ?

    Nobody have an idea or picture, after cleaning we can see khaki painting
  9. T

    Tail wheel fighter USAAF ?

    Hello, I think, the bigger probability of WW2 fighter is P51 mustang. [
  10. T

    Tail wheel fighter USAAF ?

    Hi guys, I bought this tail wheel, i was told that it's American aircraft fighter, it 's possible? Could we find a date, type of aircraft, with serial number or design? Thank everybody, Best regards.
  11. T

    Dornier Do 335 Pfeil

    This is my small contribution in the nice post, it would result from a german pilot (Helmut De Vries) in north of France
  12. T

    Help identification metal propeller

    For crimea river everybody.
  13. T

    Help identification metal propeller

    Read before before last line JU 88
  14. T

    Help identification metal propeller

    unbekanntes propellerblatt - Militaria Fundforum Maybe unusual, but not so rare.
  15. T

    ;) Luftwaffe propeller identification

    Thank you all, I dont know exactly where the plane crashed because I bought it from a guy who bought it himself from an other guy... Best Regards.