Recent content by weirdguy

  1. W

    Airborne Oddities of WWII

    How about the Do 635? That was the already strange looking Do 335 with twin-fuselage a la the He 111 Zwilling. Or how about the Russian IS-1 prototype version of the I-153 with a retractable lower wing? Or any of the I-153 biplanes with the jet boosters? They don't necessarily look strange, but...
  2. W

    What Was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

    The worst aircraft was probably one that never got out of the testing phase. The Me 163 at least had a chance of getting off the ground.
  3. W


    Thanks. That has got to be one of the most convoluted developments I've ever heard of. A Finnish aircraft bought from the French with a Russian engine and German guns.
  4. W


    I just ran across a reference to a plane called a LaGG-Morane. Does anybody know anything about this? From the context I assume it was some sort of development of the French M.S.406.