
  1. P-51 NAA/NACA 45-100 airfoil graph

    Hi all! I was unable to find graph showing coefficients of lift and drag as a function of angle of attack about early Mustangs (P-51A/B/C/D) airfoil. What I'm looking for it's like following graph: extracted from NACA report No.824 "SUMMARY OF AIRFOIL DATA", dated 1945, that seemingly...
  2. S

    Do 335 Airfoil

    Does anyone know what airfoil was used on Do 335 tail assembly (vertical/horizontal stabilizer)? I have information regarding the wing (NACA 23018-630/NACA 23012-635) but i'm not able to find the former.
  3. G

    Question about Spitfire Mk.21's redesigned wing

    Hello~. First, sorry for same thread twice. I want write this thread here, but I confused and I wrote this thread wrong bulletin board before. There is a problem about Spitfire Mk.21's redesigned wing. I try to find information about this wing and found some articles confront each other. It...
  4. G

    Spitfire Mk.21's redesinged wing

    Hello~. There is a problem about Spitfire Mk.21's redesigned wing. I try to find information about this wing and found some articles confront each other. It make me confuse, please help me guys! Some articles told this redesign wing have laminar flow airfoil. But there is no information...