
  1. W

    Franco-British vs. USSR in 1942

    Supposing a wildly implausible situation in which Germany is stymied in 1940 leading to their defeat in 1941, what would a Franco-British war against the USSR in 1941/42 have looked like in the air as they fight over control of Central Europe? The scenario, for those interested would be...
  2. Timeline 3

    3 July 44 Soviet troops recapture Minsk. 7 July 44 The Japanese troops on Saipan surrender. 9 July 44 The allies capture Caen. 19 July 44 General Kuniaka Koiso becomes the new Prime Minister of Japan. 20 July 44 A failed assignation attempt on Hitler is preformed by Claus von...
  3. Italy's airforce

    Here is my "what if" scenario....... Italy had not surrendered and were able to build the Reggiane Re.2005, Fiat G.55, and the Macchi C.205 in great numbers. Air superiority by the allies would have been in question and could have affected troop movement.
  4. Panther and Tiger, designed by the Allies....

    How would the Allies have designed the Panther and Tiger? I'm sure that when they got their hands on them and studied them, they thought 'we would have done this differently'....or?