
  1. Dronescapes

    Flying the Boeing B-29 Superfortress

    Flying the Boeing B-29 Superfortress https://youtu.be/Jg29WXAjTbM
  2. Dronescapes

    Rocket Power Takeoff Explained. B-29 Superfortress R.A.T.O. Rare Footage

    Rocket Power Takeoff Explained. B-29 Superfortress R.A.T.O. Rare footage https://youtu.be/aMYoMJoxHnQ
  3. fannum

    A query I sent to my Midwest aviation gang - WWII bomber growth

    (I'm sure this has been covered before) OK all you Kansans ... What is this? The big clue ... the national insignia! That's People's Republic of China. The aircraft is a Chinese adaptation of a Russian copy of the Boeing B-29. Due to fuel or battle damage over Japan, four B-29s landed in...
  4. German WWII Archive

    Can anyone identify this B-29, shot down over Manchuria in December 1944? (Markings on rudder: JJ- 26262)

    Hey everyone, I'm sorry for posting again, I hope I'm not spamming in here too much,:D but I'm again looking for an aircraft identification, this time from a B-29 Bomber, shown in a Japanese propaganda newsreel from 28th December 1944. According to the voice-over, it was shot down near Mukden...
  5. Dronescapes

    General Henry "Hap" H. Arnold, General Of The U.S. Air Force. A biographical documentary

    General Henry "Hap" H. Arnold, General Of The U.S. Air Force. A biographical documentary https://youtu.be/kyO5sOlhOZo
  6. Dronescapes

    Boeing B-29 Superfortress. Hiroshima remembered by the b-29 navigator, and the history of the bomber

    Boeing B-29 Superfortress. Hiroshima remembered by the b-29 navigator, and the history of the bomber https://youtu.be/tKnwHRxewZE
  7. Dronescapes

    U.S. Army Versus U.S. Navy: the road to Independence, and the race for the Superfortress

    U.S. Army Versus U.S. Navy: the road to Independence, and the race for the Superfortress https://youtu.be/S2btP_L9Ot0
  8. Dronescapes

    The Last Battle Of The B-29 Superfortress. The Korean War And The Soviet MiG-15

    The Last Battle Of The B-29 Superfortress. The Korean War And The Soviet MiG-15 https://youtu.be/5NqR9IQioGM
  9. Dronescapes

    Curtis LeMay, The American Air Force General That Implemented Strategic Bombing

    Curtis LeMay, The American Air Force General That Implemented Strategic Bombing https://youtu.be/gvt-pPEQogY
  10. Dronescapes

    Birth Of The B 29 Superfortress. The WWII North American Mighty Bomber

    Birth Of The B 29 Superfortress. The WWII North American Mighty Bomber https://youtu.be/_InegQxwbwE
  11. Dronescapes

    B-29 Superfortress. The atomic bomb, and Paul Tibbets biography. Documentary

    B-29 Superfortress. The atomic bomb, and Paul Tibbets biography. https://youtu.be/6BNZgvqlLTQ
  12. Dronescapes

    The B-29 Superfortress against Japan

    The B-29 Superfortress against Japan https://youtu.be/vqAagJpVJ08
  13. Dronescapes

    World War II: United States against Japan. The story of the B-29 Superfortress, and the atomic bomb

    World War II: United States against Japan. The story of the B-29 Superfortress, and the atomic bomb https://youtu.be/D8WjJsvqMa8
  14. S

    B-29 True Max Speed?

    I'm getting conflicting reports, most sources report 357 mph, but this SAC manual that I found on this site from 1950 claims 383 mph with 20,000 lbs of bombs. At first I thought that the 1950 document was the B-50 with 3,500 hp Pratt & Whitney R-4360-35's, but the document clearly shows it's for...
  15. Steijger

    RB-17s, RB26's (R)B-29's 1946-1950 - Anybody?

    Hi guys! For Part One of the Cold War series On the Edge, I am looking for (photo)material of RB-17s and RB-26s that operated out of Fürth and later Fürstenfeldbruck in Germany. For the same book, I am searching photographs of (R)B-29 at Tempelhof AB, Berlin. During Operation Vittles...
  16. Dronescapes

    Birth Of The B-29 Superfortress Heavy Bomber

  17. BlackSheep

    Color of War: Air War-Raid on Tokyo

    Color of War: Air War-Raid on Tokyo The above video can be found on YouTube. While watching the video, which is color footage of a B-29 raid, I saw something interesting at about the 1’50” mark. The footage is taken from within a B-29, in very loose formation during a daylight raid, and it is...
  18. S

    B-29 vs Me 264 Dimensions

    I've been comparing the two recently and despite having almost the same wingspan (~43m, off by two inches), the B-29 has almost twice the height of the Me 264 (8.5m vs 4.2m) and an additional 10m in length (20.9m vs 30.2m). My question is, what exactly accounts for the design differences...
  19. J

    B-29: Question: Auxiliary exhaust on post war

    Checking over graveyard photos of B-29s I notice that some had an unusual black triangle on the rear fuselage between the rear upper hatch and the tailplane. On closer inspection is appear to be an exhaust with a black triangular heat/exhaust shield. Some aircraft have them fitted, but others...
  20. J

    B-29 Drones, eg QB-29: Help with photos?

    A few B-29s were reportedly converted as drones...but finding in-service photos of them is proving very difficult. According to Wikipeadia: "By March 1950, the 2d Guided Missile Squadron, had 62 pilots manning 14 B-17s, three B-29s, and three QF-80A Shooting Stars, yellow-tailed drone aircraft...