
  1. MiTasol

    Bomb and flare manuals and other related documents

    Every couple of months someone has a bomb question so I have scanned my photocopy of the British bomb bible from 1945 - AP 1661V Vol 1 with OCR carried out The pages were pretty thin (light) so I was not able to accurately determine the page size and margins so the the margins are just guessed...
  2. X

    The 'Long-Drop' - "Bombs Away!!"

    Here's one American 'Secret Weapon' the Vietcong didn't manage to reverse-engineer!
  3. G

    20lb Frag Bombs - AN-M41A1

    Hello everyone, I am looking for some footage of a WW2 era (US) 20lb fragmentation bomb AN-M41A1 (or similar) exploding. Has anyone ever seen any footage / can anyone link me to it? Many thanks! JB25
  4. M

    Fulmar as scout bomber?

    Here's a what-if: could the RN have gotten more mileage out of their Fulmars if they were used/converted to light bombers? It was the original design purpose of the P7/34, and I think I've read that the Fulmar could carry 2 250 lb bombs or 1 500 pounder (though I've never seen a pic of a...
  5. Lucky13

    C-130 Hercules as bomber...

    What bombs did they drop??
  6. Snautzer01

    Sowjet container supply bombs

  7. fubar57


    For all your U.S. bombing needs... Geo
  8. Hardrada55

    Which Republic?

    Which Republic aircraft is this and what time period was it from? Could it really fly with all those bombs?
  9. Nagoya 7.24.45

    Nagoya 7.24.45

    Charles H. Bailey Photo.......... Mission was with 1 ton high explosive charges on the Aichi Aircraft Factory...