
  1. Dronescapes

    Britain's Gift To The Soviets. When Rolls Royce Gave The Jet Engine To Russia, And They Copied It. documentary

    Britain's Gift To The Soviets. When Rolls Royce Gave The Jet Engine To Russia, And They Copied It
  2. Cybermat47

    6./ZG 76 Bf-110 C-4 'M8+EP'

    From the 1/72 Airfix kit. Not sure if the paintscheme is right, but unless I get another copy of the decals from this kit, I won't risk painting over the decals.
  3. J

    Culver PQ-14

    Does anyone have...or know the whereabouts of....a pilot manual for a PQ-14? I would dearly love to have a copy of one. I'm still hoping to own one of the little darlings one day.