
  1. T

    B-24 Detailed Drawings with Measurements?

    I'm working on a movie and we need to build a replica B-24 cockpit. I'm looking for technical drawings of a B-24 bomber. Ideally, we would love a scale drawing or the plans to include measurements. Thanks!
  2. 1/72 HPM Sea Vixen FAW.2

    Here's my finished build of the 1/72 HPM Sea Vixen FAW.2 in Fleet Air Arm 899 Squadron, HMS Eagle livery, circa 1969-1971. Being an old HPM injection molded kit, this build needed a lot of TLC to get it together. Think old Airfix or Frog kits amount of effort. But despite all this, it...
  3. 1/72 Airfix Bristol Blenheim Mk.1

    Here's my humble build of the new tooling 1/72 Airfix Bristol Blenheim Mk1. A very lovely kit indeed with detailed sub-assemblies for the cockpit, engines, landing flaps, landing gears, weighted tires and an incredible bomb bay and mini bomb racks. Details that you only see on bigger and more...