WWII German EZ42 gun sight system operator and maintenance manual including wiring diagram.
EZ42 was the German main fighter's gun sight, which were widely used on BF-109 and FW-190s, was capable at a speed of 1000km/h, which was even better than ASP-3N gun signt system on MIG-15!
Hello All,
I found the attached drawing on the Internet.
Does anyone here have a larger version that is readable?
Do you happen to know which manual it came from?
Do you have an equivalent drawing for the F4U series?
- Ivan.
I'm a huge fan of this aircraft and the one thing I've never managed to find was a drawing or photograph of the cockpit. If someone has a photograph or drawing of the cockpit of this plane I'd very much so appreciate it.
Hi all,
I hope someone can help me with a Luftwaffe Tech manual drawing or a scale drawing of the ETC/ER 4 bomb pallet used by the Luftwaffe. It was very common on the ground attack versions of the FW-190A/F and occasionally on the JU-88 and Bf-110.I am trying to model this in 1/32 scale but...