
  1. GrauGeist

    Our member, RedBeard has passed away

    I have just learned that on New Year's Eve, RedBeard (Ryan) passed away after a long battle with medical problems. He was only 46 years old. He enjoyed the forum, but wasn't able to participate much in the past several years. Although he would check up on us as a guest when he was able...
  2. hal bregg

    Halifax B Mk III- Revell+Airfix 1:72

    Hello To build this model I've used two kits- Revell 04670, and over 50-years old(!) Airfix kit. Engines with nacelles, propellers and exhausts are taken from Airfix. Front plexiglass-handmade, some corrections in ailerons, fuselage front, wingtips, tailwheel. Paint: Gunze C, decals: Xtradecal...