
  1. M

    Aircrew life saving and escape systems manuals

    Martin Baker MK5 1950s ejection seat operator and maintenance manuals: Aircrew Parachute Landing Manual including Parachute Manuals and IPC...
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    Martin Baker MK5 1950s ejection seat operator and maintenance manuals

    Martin Baker MK5 1957 ejection seat operator and maintenance manuals, minimun ejection speed:90knots, minimum ejection height: 0. government approved public manuals.
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    Aircrew Parachute Landing Manual including Parachute Manuals and IPC

    Aircrew Bailout Escape Parachute Landing Manual including Parachute Manuals and IPC, government release manuals, approved for public release.
  4. I escaped from Auschwitz

    Kazimierz Piechowski is one of just 144 prisoners to have broken out of the notorious Nazi camp and survive. Today aged 97, he tells his extraordinary story. n 20 June 1942, the SS guard stationed at the exit to Auschwitz was frightened. In front of him was the car of Rudolph Höss, the...
  5. Evasive action

    This is a great story. Imagine flying all the way from Columbia to Appalachia and then having the strength to fly 1100 miles 5 days later to escape a storm and then fly right back again to your Appalachian nesting site. These warblers are well-engineered ... :-) Wondrous. BBC News - Birds...