
  1. L

    Ki-61 to Ki-100 conversion

    Hello, I'm just landed here today. Before that, sorry for my bad english. I am currently write a story about flying ww2 warplanes. Long short story, one of the main character that fly an Ki-61-II Kai had her Ha-140 engine seized, but didn't have an replacement engine. So she wanted to replace it...
  2. kawasaki KI-100 1b otsu - Maj. Teruhiko Kobayashi

    Otaki represents the model of the canopy version ki-type 5 100ib hunting, Otsu Ki-100-1. They were issued with two different representations, both from the same kit (one called the plane of the Ki-100 "Goshiki"). Arii who later took over from Otaki, issued the same Ki-100 kit "Goshikisen,"...
  3. P

    Kawasaki Ki-100

    I share with you the link below containing a collection of photos, including a rare photo of an airplane captured and with USAAF markings, of the Japanese fighter Kawasaki Ki-100, recognized by many as one of the best, if not the best Japanese fighter designed and built during WW2. Does Ki-100...