
  1. T

    Lancaster lll

    Can anyone tell me the operating and tactical and max ceiling of the Lancaster lll?
  2. WW2 (quick) heavy howitzer, your choice

    following the light field howitzer race, here that for the heavy howitzer my proposal for the requirements: actually fire in combat in WW2 shell 90 kg or heavier time to ready max 1 hour max range 12 km or more
  3. 27 May 1944, Bud Anderson's two Bf109 victory claims

    So I watched this video P51 Mustang vs Me109 - Showdown | WWII Video Archives Bud Anderson duel vs Bf109G Ludwigshafen mission 27 May 1944. They have a restored BUCHON, calling it "a restored Bf109G-6." Host "Max" the current USAF fighter jock looks lot taller then Hartmann, and many...