part identification

  1. M

    Part of a JU 88?

    Hi All, During a Hike in a forest in Belgium i've stumbled upon a aluminum part that looks like an aircraft part. With some fast research i've found out that during ww2 a JU 88 had crashed in the area. Could this be part of this plane? Or is this to far fetched? Thanks for the help!
  2. M

    Luftwaffe Dornier Do 217 Part Identification

    Hi All, Can anyone help identify this part please. I'm trying to identify where on the airframe this part lives (see photos). The part is stamped: R8.217.522.131.01. I believe this is from a Dornier 217. There is a further stamp on the right: 3506.0 XZ1. Any insight would be appreciated.
  3. Deciphering aircraft part numbers (and inspection stamps).

    This thread was inspired by a member who, incorrectly, stated that identifying part numbers was Dead easy for Spitfires as the Part number starts "300". Obviously this person got this information from someone who has never had the misfortune to work on a Spitfire so must be forgiven. Over the...
  4. Unknown Part - Help Identifying

    Not from a crash, but i wonder if anyone can help ID this fairing/cover. Measurements are on the pics. Ignore the colour as it is a recent preservative coat. Even a clue as to the origin of the inspection stamps would be of great help. Cheers
  5. Need help ID-ing my bit of spit

    Hi all! Quite new to this forum so forgive me if I do anything outrageously wrong. I've just got my hands on a bit of what I think is a spitfire, as it has a VACB stamp. I'm struggling to confirm this and figure out exactly which bit it is though... It's got some letters on it reading 'CBDS'...