polish air force

  1. PZL P11 vs Bf 110

    I think PZL P11 Ps they are in a dogfight
  2. Diary of a Polish airman

    Produced by the Ministry of Information and the Polish Airforce. Diary extracts from a Polish airman serving with a RAF Polish Fighter Squadron. Scenes of Czorsztyn August 1939, fall of Warsaw, Polish airmen in France with General Wladyslaw Sikorski, Polish Spitfires of No 303 'Kosciuszko'...
  3. Exeter Blitz: 4 against 40...

    This week marks the 75th anniversary of the Exeter Blitz and events are taking place to commemorate the bombing of the city. Many stories have been recounted as to what happened on the ground, but less is widely known about what happened in the skies above Exeter in the early hours of May 4...
  4. "They saw the whole sky"

    One hundred and forty-five Polish fighter pilots took part in the Battle of Britain between 10 July and 31 October 1940. Historians believe that the high number of German planes shot down by these Polish pilots helped bring about victory for the Allies in the battle. The Embassy of the Republic...