Now, having snapped these two up....
I was planning, in time, to turn them into two Wild Weasels, the F-105G would become s/n 63-8313 and the F-100F, s/n 58-1213, which was part of the group (I think) of F-100F-20-NA's numbered between 58-1205 to 58-1233, don't know if she was...
Username: destrozas
First name: sergio
Category: intermeadilly
Scale: 1/72
Manufacturer: fujimi F-11
Model Type: Ling temco Vought A-7 D
accesory: none
the plane it's of ANG 23 TFW/74TFS and this is the squadron history:
The 23d Tactical Fighter Wing moved "on paper" without...
"You gotta be shittin' me!"
This was the natural response of an educated man, a veteran EWO on B-52s and the like, upon learning that he was to fly back seat to a self-absorbed fighter pilot while acting as flypaper for enemy SAM's.
His exact words were: "You want me to fly in the...