
  1. J

    Educated guesses on D3A cockpit item?

    Good morning, everyone. I am curious as to whether anyone has any good ideas on what device this is inside the pilot's cockpit of the D3A Val? I think it's some sort of junction box, but I'm always looking for more ideas (and perhaps a surviving example if someone knows exactly what it is)...
  2. J

    Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum Acquired D3A2 in October 2022!

    Short Video News Story ~~~ It appears to me that they're going to try to restore it to static condition! Being on the other side of the country, I can't really head out there to help in person, but I can try to help in other ways. According to the catalogue of the National Institute of...
  3. J

    Aichi D3A1 Performance Data?

    Hello everyone, Has anyone ever come across reliable maneuvering data on the D3A1, namely the roll rate? Thanks!
  4. J

    Dive brake indicator on D3A1 Val

    Hello everyone, This is an excerpt from a much larger photo taken by the Navy of the Val that was recovered from Middle Loch after the Pearl Harbor attack. I am trying to build a 3d model of this plane (cockpit included), but this dive brake indicator has me stumped. How does it work? Is...