
  1. Dronescapes

    The Battle Of Midway. War in the Pacific. The United States against Japan

    The Battle Of Midway. War in the Pacific. The United States against Japan https://youtu.be/joqaga0tpyg
  2. p40N5_Little-b.jpg

    "Little Jeanne" flown by pilot Lt. Robert Warren
  3. Torch

    Retribution against Germans after the war,graphic,not for everone

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTMCE6ZBFL4
  4. A dog at war

    A dog at Stalingrad . The Winter 1942
  5. PV-2 Harpoon "Rose's Raiders"

    PV-2 Harpoon "Rose's Raiders" on display at the Tillamook Air Museum in Oregon
  6. HALT May 1943

  7. Polikarpov I-15 Chato

    Este biplano fue, junto con el I-16, el mejor caza que tuvieron los republicanos. This biplane was, along with the I-16, the best fighter sent by the Soviets to the Republicans
  8. Messerschmitt Bf-109

    El Bf-109 tuvo su bautismo de fuego en España y fue, sin lugar a dudas, el mejor caza de toda la guerra. The Bf-109 saw action for the very fist time in Spain, and was with no douth, the best fighter of the war
  9. Guerra Civil Española - Spanish Civil War

    Este caza italiano fue la principal montura de los pilotos nacionalistas durante toda la guerra. This italian plain was the main fighter of the nationalist pilots during all the war.
  10. Breguet XIX

    Este avion fue empleado por ambos bandos como plataforma de reconocimiento y bombardeo ligero These planes were used by both sides as recognicing platform and light bomber.
  11. Arado Ar-95

    Seis de estos hidroaviones fueron evaluados por la Legion Condor en España. Despues de la guerra, pasaron a manos de los nacionales, que los emplearon como aviones de reconocimiento desde su base en Mallorca. Six of these hidros were sent to Spain to be evaluated by the Condor Legion. Once...
  12. Dressage War Horse ONYX

    My 17 hand Black Percheron Draft Horse. He is well versed in pulling and english dressage!
  13. Adolf Hitler at outbreak of World War One

  14. Russian boy swings on Nazi cannon which is left by German troops in Soviet

    This is another shot from World War 2. The children swings for Russian boy are installed on the Nazi cannon which is left by German troops in Soviet village.
  15. Rommel Having a Shnapps

    Hi here is another rare one,,, Does Rommel drink?? yes he does he is a bit young there but its him all the same, sorry about the lowrez i have had to reduce it
  16. hitler

    Hi i just joined up on this site and have come across some old photos (original and in exccond) of Hitler, Hitler and Rommel etc i have scanned them as a tiff and am able to zoom in a lot without any pixelation, so they are high quality, i think in during the 40's the technology wasnt advanced...
  17. Mediterranean Blue

    Title: Mediterranean Blue Year Created: 2008 Medium: Oil on board Size Width: 86 cm Size Height: 61 cm Size Depth: 1 cm Theme: Marine Price: Please request Description: HMS Anson was one of five King George V Class battleships built to counteract the threat from Nazi...
  18. Parting Company

    Title: Parting Company Year Created: 2008 Medium: Oil on canvas Size Width: 70 cm Size Height: 50 cm Size Depth: 2 cm Theme: Marine Price: request price Description: This painting is of HMS Royal Sovereign one of five 'R' class battleships that served during both world...
  19. Momentum

    Title: Momentum Year Created: 2008 Medium: Oil on canvas Size Width: 70 cm Size Height: 50 cm Size Depth: 2 cm Theme: Marine Price: request price Description: This painting is of HMS Royal Oak and is taken from an early black and white areial photograph when she was on...
  20. Typhoon Patrol 1944

    Title: Typhoon Patrol 1944 Year Created: 2008 Medium: Oil on canvas Size Width: 70 cm Size Height: 50 cm Size Depth: 2 cm Price: Not for Sale Description: This is a commissioned work painted for a third party who wished to gift it to Flt Lt Derek Lovell RAF (ret. He flew...